All EOF Students
Dates | Strategy | Descriptions and Purposes |
Fall / Spring | EOF On Track Academic Support Model | “On Track” Model represents the key components and contributors to college success. The four components include academic, social/personal, financial, and professional. The model informs the support services used and developed to meet student learning outcomes.
The EOF On Track Academic Support Model focuses on utilizing key campus tools/resources such as faculty advisors, departmental course sequence plan, advisement report, What if analysis, GPA calculator and academic transcript to help students make informed decisions when selecting courses. |
Fall / Spring | Fall/Spring Kick Off & Wrap UP Meetings | Meetings to provide EOF students with information on program updates, events and campus-wide activities and changes regarding institutional processes and policies that affect them as students. |
Fall / Spring | Key Fab “Electronic Point of Contact Tracking” | Case management system to effectively track contact hours, types of services, and document recommendations for student success. Assists in data collection, data analysis, and state/institutional reporting. |
Fall / Spring | Withdrawal (W) Hold | EOF students are required to meet with an EOF Program Specialist to discuss reasons for wanting to withdraw and options to consider i.e. meeting with Faculty Advisor, Professor, and/or attending tutoring. Once the student understands the impact on academic progress) and still want to withdraw the hold is removed. |
Fall / Spring | EOF Advising Hold | EOF students must meet with Faculty Advisor (not a requirement for all TCNJ students) prior to selecting their courses for degree mapping and registration. Once students meet with Faculty Advisor and return the required forms, EOF will remove the hold. This encourages greater interaction with faculty and academic advisement. |
Fall / Spring | Cart Audit | EOF program specialists review student schedules to ensure that students hold full-time status for FA eligibility, unit progression, and review course selection as designated by academic departments. |
Incoming Freshman
Dates | Strategy | Description and Purpose | Classes and Activities |
July – August | Summer bridge transition program | Students participate in a 5-week residential summer bridge program and attend college credit bearing courses, academic support workshops, and receive extensive academic support services to successfully transition to TCNJ. | Race, Class, & Gender
Chemical Biology Math 095,096, MAT 127 (Algebra, Pre-Calc, Calculus) Critical Thinking Comprehensive Tutoring Support Dean’s Meetings Residential Experience Pride Peer Weekly Sessions (extension to IDS 097) Mindfulness Weekly Activity |
Dates | Strategy | Description and Purpose |
Fall / Spring | Promise Scholarship (Freshmen and Sophomore) | The EOF Promise Award was designed to meet the full cost to attend TCNJ, both the direct and indirect costs, including on-campus residency. |
July – August | IDS – 097 Foundations of Success | Weekly Thematic Instruction
Students that can navigate the demands of a new environment/ academic community, identify campus resources, and self-advocate to meet academic and personal challenges will effectively transition from high school to college, persist, and graduate.
Students that understand the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement will identify and implement attitudes and behaviors (i.e., adaptability, assertiveness, decisiveness, commitment) that promote postsecondary and professional success. |
Fall / Spring | Peer2Peer Mentoring Program | EOF freshman are paired with EOF upperclassmen for peer support during first-year at the college. Mentors & mentees must meet 2x a month to discuss their challenges and successes and the resources available on campus to remain On Track. |
Fall / Spring | EOF students enrolled in MAT 095, MAT 096, MAT 127 | EOF students enrolled in these math courses will receive supplemental math instruction from EOF’s summer math coordinator and adjunct faculty in the math department. To support mathematical thinking and increase success in these courses and next level math courses students are required to attend an instructional session every other week in addition to their regularly schedule math course. Supplemental instruction is included in their course schedule. |
Dates | Strategy | Descriptions and Purposes |
Fall / Spring | Promise Scholarship (Freshmen and Sophomore) | The EOF Promise Award was designed to meet the full cost to attend TCNJ, both the direct and indirect costs, including on-campus residency. |
Juniors and Seniors
Dates | Strategy | Descriptions and Purposes |
Fall / Spring | Incentive Award (Eligible Juniors and Seniors) | The Incentive award is an extension of the Promise Award based on continued academic progress. There are 4 award levels. The maximum award is $5000.00 per academic year. |
Spring | Summer Course Assessment | EOF reviews unit progression for Juniors and Seniors to assess time to degree completion. To support academic progress and graduation, EOF provides funding for summer courses to help students get back on “On Track” and/or graduate. |
At Risk EOF Students
Dates | Strategy | Descriptions and Purposes |
September | Student Success Program (SSP)
(by EOF Standard of a cum GPA of 2.25 or less and for Ed majors a cum GPA of 2.75 or less) |
The EOF Student Success Program (SSP) is a preventative and developmental Early Alert initiative. The program is student centered and connects students with campus resources and tools to support academic and personal success. Students are required to develop and implement an action plan and meet with their program specialist on a biweekly basis. Students are also required to attend a series of workshops and/or study sessions designed to support academic and personal success. |
Fall / Spring | EOF Early Alert Program (EAP) | Mid-Term Assessment-Program specialist reviews all mid-term assessment reports submitted by faculty and is in constant contact with students of concern.
Priority SSP & Unsatisfactory/Off Track & Unsatisfactory |
Off Track 4th year Seniors; 5th & 6th year Seniors
Dates | Strategy | Descriptions and Purposes |
Fall / Spring | Race to Graduation (R2G) | Learning-centered advising that promotes Academic, Financial, and Professional Success.
A focus on degree mapping to increase graduation and decrease time towards completion. The R2G Plan is a deliberate approach to engage EOF students in the academic and personal planning process. The R2G plan highlights the four components as defined in the “On Track” model. A series of GPS (Guided & Personal Support) Workshops designed to help you graduate and successfully transition from college to career. Additional benefits Participants may be eligible for summer term funding to accelerate course requirements and reduce time for completion (funds based upon availability). |
EOF Assistant Directors
Dates | Strategy | Descriptions and Purposes |
Fall / Spring | Advisement Guide | The advisement guide serves as a roadmap for EOF Program Specialists to help EOF students meet specific student learning objectives which are integrated in the Personalized Education Plan. The guide identifies measures for assessment, timeline to help students stay On Track. |
Incomplete Financial Aid Records
Dates | Strategy | Descriptions and Purposes |
September | Outreach & Follow-up | EOF assists students in finalizing documents for HESAA, TCNJ, and/or federal requirements. Financial Aid staff member at TCNJ serves as a liaison to the EOF program and provides direct support to EOF students. |
Select Groups (required for students on SSP)
Dates | Strategy | Descriptions and Purposes |
September / October | Guided & Personalized Support Workshop Series (GPS) | Information Processing
Effective Test Taking Strategies Managing Test Anxiety and other topics… (EOF collaborates with the Center for Student Success & other departments to provide a series of workshops) |